

Engage the Future: Diversity Report

The 2022 diversity report, produced by EngageNWA and the Northwest Arkansas Council, highlights Northwest Arkansas’ rapidly growing and diversifying population as well as the benefits these changes can bring.

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2019 NWA Workplace Diversity + Inclusion Survey

The 2019 NWA Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Survey collected information about organizational demographics, workforce, leadership and supervisor composition, diversity and inclusion initiatives and programs, and employer accommodations.

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NWA Diversity Resource Guide

This guide is dedicated to making sure that all community members have information to support the vast array of diverse businesses in our region and the resources to locate specific services.


Northwest Arkansas Council Regional Strategy

Northwest Arkansas has reached a critical inflection point. The region should continue to press forward with economic growth and talent attraction for the benefit of all of its residents, but stakeholders and policymakers must act boldly to preserve its quality of life and affordable cost of living. The time to act is now.

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The State of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in NWA: A True Report

The TRUE NWA report utilizes existing data and original research to examine the state of DEI within the region’s business, education, healthcare, law enforcement and government sectors.

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